Season 3- Episode 7: Na’ah Illahe Fund to help give restitution to indigenous people.


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Peter Bloch and Tania Hino
Na’ah Illahe Fund .

This November 25th after Thanksgiving Day,  Adelante Leadership podcast invites you to join us in appreciating and supporting the nonprofit organization Na’ah Illahee Fund to help give restitution to indigenous people that have suffered and continue to be negatively impacted in the United States.

Na’ah Illahee Fund is an Indigenous women-led organization dedicated to the ongoing regeneration of Indigenous communities, serving communities in the Northwest corner of Turtle Island from the Arctic to the Rockies. It works to catalyze a movement toward positive futures through transformative change by supporting culturally grounded leadership and organizing.

For me and Tania, the act of gratitude to our people and spending time with family and friends creating connection is vital.  The Thanksgiving holiday is important for us in the practice of gratitude and we want to acknowledge that this holiday has never been equitable for our indigenous peoples.

In fact the historical origins of the holiday began as a declaration from the Governor of Massachuets celebrating the massacre of over 600 indigenous people.  To counter that and the continued inequalities of indigenous people in the US, please join us in donating to Na’ah Illahee Fund today.


Season 3- Episode 8: Michelle Tremillo - Build Power and Lead Differently.


Season 3- Episode 6: Jaime Margolin - Youth to Power.