Season 3- Episode 1: Peter interview his Mom: Alicia Stephens Garcia


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Peter Bloch and Tania Hino
Peter interviews his Mom: Alicia Stephens Garcia

Tania and Peter talked with Alicia Stephens.

After reflecting about our losses of many elders in our community from the pandemic, we decided to focus season three on how Latine Leadership can benefit from both elders' knowledge and youth’s knowledge.

We believe that we can both learn from our Latine elders and our youth leader’s knowledge.

How can we learn from both and become stronger together?

How do we unite both sources of Latine leadership ideas and knowledge?

How do we pass our elders' knowledge before it is lost and how do we empower our youth?

Peter interviews his mom to share the knowledge and his lived experiences and the impact his mother had in his leadership.


Season 3- Episode 2: Tania entrevista a su Mamá: Laura González.


Season 2- Episode 32: Reflections with Veronica Duran- Sisk.